Thursday, June 20, 2013

Growing Up O'Doyle

Growing up O'Doyle, you learn a lot of survival-type skills.  Like, child care (there were 6 of us and numerous 'move-ins' and visitors), wound care, how to make a tourniquet to stop the bleeding from a major vein, and how to identify head trauma.  Okay, I admit, I never mastered the last one.  There were situations that may have gone misdiagnosed, and a few of usth may have sthuffered "drain-bammage" asth a resthult. ;-p
Most of these skills were learned "out-in-the-field" and since there wasn't formal training and it was pretty much "baptism by fire" there were a lot of bumps along the way.
We O'Doyles didn't have a T.V. some of the time and NEVER had cable.  We didn't have a lot (or any, really) of supervision.  We ran wild.  We lived out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road. 
 Sometimes our creative juices weren't very well thought out plans.
I once helped my older brother, Jay, administer CPR to a wounded robin.  Mind you, he and his buddy had shot the poor bird with a BB-gun, which had wounded it.  But then we all cried like little school-girls when it 'didn't make it'.
 (Wait, I was a little school-girl?) 
I mean, who can say they've administered CPR to a bird...?  Hmm?  Who?!?
 (besides my Bird-Luvin' husband {wink})
Life skills, people.  Life skills.
One thing is for sure, we all learned the value of hard labor, because we were always put to work!  (ya know, before child-labor laws were in place)
For instance: Gardening
Every year, Father ODoyle had this grand-master plan to plant a huuuuuge (totally unmanageable) garden. 
A Plantation, really.
This would consist of O'Doyle children:
more picking
more bottling
Did I mention weeding Uggg..

When I was little and even into my early adulthood, I swore to my mom, "I will NEVER have a garden.  I will just go and buy vegetables at the store!!"

And somehow, that all changed....

Josh and I plant a garden every year.  Nothing is better than delicious, juicy garden vegetables.  Nothing.
I have to toot my own horn and tell you that this girl <----- tilled this.
Yeah, I felt pretty hardcore.
Josh isn't the only "tiller" around here.

Since, it seems, we're competing for some kind of national record for number of times you can go camping in a year (and not be homeless), we decided to keep it simple with just a few plants.

I'm already looking forward to fresh, garden veggies.  Can't wait!

Let's just hope we have a better turn-out than last year. :-/